Thursday, February 17, 2011

nice to meet you

So you walk into a crowded room full of people, all of which you don't know except the 3 you came with. You sign and email. Check. Then you slide over, and write your name on one of those "hi my name is..." stickers. Do I need my last name on it? Heck why not. As I press it against my chest in a location that isn't completely awkward for people to look at, my emotions begin to flood in...

Will they like me?
Will people think I am funny?
What if people aren't interested in what I have to say?
What the heck am I doing?!!

Being in a place I've never been before, around people who don't know me, makes me feel like I am completely naked and vulnerable. These new eyes, new personalities, new egos are painting a picture of me that I can not see, and my fear is that they won't like it when it's done. 

Too loud, too fat, too tall, not funny, insecure, big butt, no style, not cool, weird, too artsy, totally not intelligent...blah blah blah

The truth is, I can't make everyone like me or my style, my big hips run in the family, my height will never change, and I AM loud. The rest of which are clearly not true;)The most important truth of them all, is that the only canvas I should care about is the one I am painting of myself to God. So why not jump, take risks and put myself out there? The talents God has given me [and you] should be celebrated, encouraged and shared.

Much like my recent evening at an artists event, here I am, blogging, introducing you to me, my art, my passion, and my life. Opening up to a world of people all of which are painting a picture of me and my talents.  Hopefully you like it, hopefully the canvas is full of joy, love and life! hopefully you follow along. 

So here we go... a lot of photography, a little of me, and a bunch of love. 

Hi my name is...Amanda Guevara...nice to meet you!

 love, me


  1. and of the three people at that you knew going in to the event, one you had known all of however long it took to drive there :)

    It's not even courage to step into that room - sometimes it's curiosity, some times it's faith and sometimes it's for no good reason what so ever. Often, that's the best reason of all :)

    I'm really looking forward to seeing/reading more of your work.


  2. welcome to the blogging world, friend! yay! i'm so excited to follow! you're a great writer and an awesome photographer and you're: beautiful, funny, stylish, smart and fun! i love you!

  3. I just joined the blog world too! Apparently this has been going on awhile... I have no idea why I'm so late to this party but now I'm obsessed. :D
